Imamzadeh Mohsen (Kooh) – Hamedan

Imamzadeh Mohsen (Kooh) – Hamedan
Imamzadeh Mohsen (Kooh) – Hamedan
Imamzadeh Mohsen (Kooh) – Hamedan


This Imamzadeh is located in the village of Farajin (Hamadan). Since it is situated in one of the pleasant valleys in the slopes of the Alvand Mountains it is also known as Imamzadeh Kooh. The structure dates back to the Mongol era (8th century AH.) and is rectangular in shape. In the central part, are two joint tombs with two double covered domes, besides which there are two areas for nocturnal prayers. In one are the burial sites of three disciples of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) and in the other the tomb of Imamazadeh Mohsen (a descendant of Imam Hassan P. B.) is located.

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