
  • Can I cancel my booking? Yes – any cancellation fees are determined by the system based on your booking and the hotel policies.
  • How can I cancel my booking? Please contact us in order to cancel your booking with your Order ID which you can find under "Bookings" in User Account (Dashboard).
  • If I need to cancel my booking, will I pay a fee? If you have a free cancellation booking, you won't pay a cancellation fee. Otherwise you may incur a cancellation fee from 0 to 100% of your payment based on hotel's rules.
  • Can I cancel or change my dates for a non-refundable booking? Canceling a Non-Refundable booking usually incurs a charge. However, you might have the option to request free cancellation when managing your booking. This sends a request to the property, who may decide to waive your cancellation fee. It's not possible to change dates for a Non-Refundable booking, though it's possible to re-book for your desired dates if your waive fees request is successful.
  • How do I know if my booking was canceled? After you cancel a booking with us, you should get an email confirming the cancellation. Make sure to check your inbox and spam/junk mail folders. Also you can see your booking status in your User Account (Dashboard). If you don’t receive an email within 24 hours, contact us again.


  • How much should I pay? You should pay the total amount of your booking to confirm the reservation.
  • What payment methods are accepted? Payment can be made using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, PayPal or even by Direct Deposit. The accepted payment types for your accommodations will also be listed in your booking confirmation email.
  • What should I do after prepayment? You need to contact us to process your booking and after confirmation of your prepayment, you will get your booking confirmation email.

Booking Details

  • Can I make changes to my booking (i.e. change dates)? Based on your booking time and the time of applying changes, modifying may be available but in some cases may not! We can't guarantee but we do understand that sometimes plans change and you may need to amend your booking so we try to apply your desire changes.
  • How can I make changes to my booking? As we mentioned above, we try to apply your desire changes so all you need is to contact us.
  • How do I get more information about the room or property's facilities? We have tried to write all room and property's facilities on it's page but if you have questions about that, please write us.
  • I'll be arriving outside check-in hours. Can I still check in? This depends on the property who will do their best to meet your needs but can't guarantee your request. You can do either of the following: 1- Request an early or late check-in/check-out 2- Contact the property
  • I can't find my confirmation email. What should I do? Just contact us and we’ll resend it to you. Make sure to check your inbox and spam/junk mail folders.
  • How can I get an invoice? The property may provide you with an invoice for your stay, so please contact them directly.
  • Will I pay the full price for my child(ren)? Additional costs for children, if any, aren't included in the reservation price. Check with the property directly to see if and when you'll pay for your child(ren) but our system will just consider beds to calculate persons! So if your child(ren) needs beds, you may consider them as adults.
  • Can we get extra beds/cribs for my child(ren)? It depends on the property's policy. Additional costs for children, including extra beds/cribs, aren't included in the reservation price. Contact the property directly for this info.
  • What's the difference between a double room and a twin room? A double room has 1 double bed and a twin room has 2 single beds. If a room is called a double/twin, it can be set up for either type. The property will do its best to accommodate your needs.


  • Are taxes included in the price? Yes. You don't need to pay anything more than mentioned price for each room. No extra or hidden fees.
  • Is breakfast included in the price? This depends on the hotel and the room type. You can see if it's included by checking the text just next to the room name.
  • Do I pay the full price for my child(ren)? Our system will just consider beds to calculate persons! So if your child(ren) needs beds, you may consider them as adults. We suggest calling the hotel prior to arrival to guarantee your request. If you can't find any contact detail of the property, please contact us to help.
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