Imamzadeh Moosa Mobarqeh – Qom

Imamzadeh Moosa Mobarqeh – Qom
Imamzadeh Moosa Mobarqeh – Qom
Imamzadeh Moosa Mobarqeh – Qom


Imamzadeh Moosa Mobarqeh is the offspring of Hazrat Imam Mohammad Taqi (AS), who lived in Qom in the year 256 AH. His sisters also migrated to the city and were deceased here. They were laid to rest alongside the sacred tomb of Hazrat Ma'soomeh (AS). Moosa Mobarqeh passed away in the year 296 AH. and was buried in this site. In respect to the artistic remnants of this mausoleum, are the corridors of the mausoleum related to the 9th century AH.

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