Kharaqan Tomb Towers – Qazvin

These towers are located at a distance of 1 km. from the Hesar Armani village, and within 32 km. of the Qazvin - Hamadan Road. The same are close to one another, though they are located in a vast vicinity. The eastern tower is octagonal with round pillars in the eight corners. The plinth of the tower was repaired in 1968. The entire structure was constructed of bricks and was adorned. The said is the primary structure with a double crusted dome of the 5th century AH. Decorative frameworks of the internal segments of the arches has various designs and paintings. In the entrance of the tower an inscription reveals the date of foundation as well as the architect's name being "Mohammad Ebne Mokr Zandjani Al Qobba" and in the year 460 AH. The western tower is an octagon too, with round columns, alike the eastern one. The outer part of the dome has a few prominent brick ledges. The upper parts of the stem of the dome are adorned by beautiful geometrical designs. In the lower portion of which is a delicate and narrow inscription stating the date of construction and architect of the tower.
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