Sheikh Alaoddoleh Semnani Tomb – Semnan

Sheikh Alaoddoleh Semnani Tomb – Semnan
Sheikh Alaoddoleh Semnani Tomb – Semnan
Sheikh Alaoddoleh Semnani Tomb – Semnan


This tomb is located in the village of Sufi Abad (Semnan), and is a remnant from the reign of Soltan Mohammad Khodabandeh. The structure is of sun baked bricks. To the same, the Sheikh added the 'Khaneqah' or a kind of monastery, and continued to abstain from the world, and meditated in this site, till death. The structure dates to the late 7th century AH. and the early 8th century AH. The building consists of a dome and a tall porch, the tomb of the Sheikh is located beyond the porch. On the tomb stone is a poetical engraving. The Cultural Heritage Organization has repaired this structure.

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