Imamzadeh Mohammad Abed – Arak

Imamzadeh Mohammad Abed – Arak
Imamzadeh Mohammad Abed – Arak
Imamzadeh Mohammad Abed – Arak


The said also reputedly known as Imamzadeh Mashad Miqan is one of the famed pilgrimage sites of this province. This tomb is near the village of Mashad Miqan, 12 km. north of Arak. It is a remnant of the Saljuqi era. Its dome has roman arches and its walls are made of brick. The above mentioned has been repaired in the Qajar period. Imamzadeh Mohammad Abed is the sibling of Imam Reza (AS). The aggregate draws hordes of pilgrims on Thursdays as well as on festive and mourning ceremonies.

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